
Mentions légales

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Mentions légales

Le site www.patcreationcouturevichy.fr est exploité par Mme PATRICIA BERNARD

Immatriculée au Registre du commerce de Cusset sous le numéro A 433 185 758 le 01-10-2000

Siège social  : 2 avenue Maréchal Foch, 03200 VICHY FRANCE

Numéro de téléphone  : +33 (0)4 70 32 39 25

Courriel  : contact[a]patcreationcouturevichy.com

La directrice de la publication est Madame Patricia Bernard, en sa qualité de dirigeante.

Le site est hébergé par Gandi.net

Crédits Photos : Pat Couture - Jeff Sheldon Unsplash

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The Widgetkit Map provides a simple solution for adding a map to your website. Various features let you customize the map like changing colors and adding markers or directions.


  • Location selection with auto geocoding
  • Support for multiple map markers with text popups
  • Option to get the direction to the active marker
  • Support for custom map styles and colors
  • Uses the latest Google Maps API
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+, and the latest jQuery version
  • Works with Joomla and WordPress

Direction Example

This map features all map controls, multiple markers and you can get the direction.

Color Scheme Example

Set or invert the hue, saturation, lightness and gamma of a map.

Minimal Example

This map has a fixed width, no controls and no markers.

How To Use

With the Widgetkit Map you can quickly create and manage simple maps with features like multiple markers, text popups and custom color schemes. Once you have created a map you can load it anywhere on your website using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.